We are a teaching/therapy organization for students who are bright but have an unexpected difficulty with reading and/or math. Up to 20% of the U.S. population suffers from some degree of dyslexia. Reading capability is a requirement for success. Dyslexia is devastating, but it doesn't have to be. With proper multi-sensory remediation, almost all dyslexics can be taught to read. If therapy begins early enough, 80% will read well.

Find out more about our services and how they help our community by watching this two-minute video

Characteristics Which May Accompany Dyslexia:
* Difficulty isolating and identifying sounds in words, syllables, and rhymes.
* Difficulty with word identification. Trouble comprehending what is read.
* Difficulty with spelling, especially remembering the order of letters.
* Problems with handwriting. Reversals of letters. Unclear about right or left handedness.
* Problems in math related to the order of numbers, the sequence of steps in a problem, or the language of mathematics and directionality.
* Difficulty putting thoughts into words; written or spoken.
* Delays in learning to speak and in using age- appropriate language.
* Confusion of directions in space or time (e.g. right/left, up/down, yesterday/tomorrow).

Article from Discover Magazine (2023)

Dyslexia Institute of Southern New Mexico, Inc.
Electronic Caregiver Building
506 S. Main
Las Cruces, NM 88001

Mailing address:
P.O. Box 13507
Las Cruces, NM 88013

Cell (575) 650-6820

Email disnm2010@gmail.com

Friday, April 26, 2024 is Southern New Mexico Giving Day!
Please consider supporting the work of the Dyslexia Institute of Southern New Mexico by making a donation!
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For more information about dyslexia and the Dyslexia Institute of Southern New Mexico,
select "DISNM Fact Sheet" in the menu.